We deliver and install the highest level of vibration control with its CleanTop optical tops, CleanTop breadboards and Micro-g System 1 modular post supports. Several damping, skin thicknesses and material choices as well as active vibration isolation systems ensure that the most appropriate product can be designed and created for your application.

How to Select a CleanTop® Optical Top
Select Performance Series
TMC offers three levels of structural damping, though not all levels are available in each construction. Because the damping mechanisms are expensive to manufacture, it is prudent to specify only the level of damping required. All TMC damping levels incorporate broadband dry damping.
784 - Maximum Structural Damping – Research Grade:
TMC's maximum structural damping provides a level of performance unsurpassed in the industry. It is recommended for the most demanding applications.
783 - Standard Structural Damping – Scientific Grade:
An economical alternative for less sensitive applications incorporates our broadband standard dry damping level.
781 - Nominal Structural Damping– Laboratory Grade:
The nominal broadband damping level is appropriate for general lab work when the main consideration is a rigid, flat mounting surface.
Select Specialty Series
ClassOne™ CleanTop®:
The ClassOne™ version takes CleanTop® one step further. Designed for maximum cleanroom compatibility, the ClassOne CleanTop has not only a stainless steel top skin but stainless steel sides and a stainless steel bottom skin as well. Nylon 6 CleanTop cups are standard and 304 alloy stainless steel cups are available as an option. Wiped down with a lint-free cloth, the ClassOne is wrapped in plastic prior to shipping and may be brought directly into a clean environment with minimal cleaning.
Non-Magnetic CleanTop®:
For work in a highly magnetic environment, we offer non-magnetic construction. This table is made from 304 alloy stainless steel rather than the conventional ferromagnetic 400 series stainless steel. Though the skins, sides, dampers, and core are a 304 alloy, no stainless steel top can be said to be "100%" non-ferromagnetic. In some cases, 316 L alloy is preferable and this material is available.
Vacuum Compatible:
TMC has combined our CleanTop® design with several new proprietary design features, cleaning methods, and a vacuum
Select Table Dimensions

Overall table length and width should be determined based on the best suitability at your location. Consider the space available, the size and mass of the items being placed on top of the table, as well as the overall mass of the entire system for installation purposes. Standard dimensions are available up to 5 ft. wide and 16 ft. long. Please contact TMC if a custom size is required.
Overall Top Thickness A top length-to-thickness ratio of 10:1 is a safe rule of thumb for most applications, although for very sensitive work in severe environ- ments, a ratio of 7:1 may be justified. It should also be kept in mind that while top thickness is proportional to top static rigidity and dynamic natural frequency, it does not directly affect compliance, which is primarily controlled by structural damping. Standard optical tops are available in 8 in., 12 in., 18 in. and 24 in. Small, 2 in. (50 mm) thick tops should be supported on uniform flat surfaces, not post mounts. Our 4 in. (100 mm) thick tops may be supported on post mounts, but they do not incorporate the same proprietary damping techniques used on our thicker tops. We recommend that all sensitive work be done on tops at least 8 in. (200 mm) thick.
TMC's CleanTop Optical Top is the best method yet for providing a spill-proof, clean, precise, and corrosion resistant optical top with unmatched structural performance. CleanTop is now a standard feature of all TMC optical tops.
Individual CleanTop cups are epoxy-bonded under each tapped hole after it is tapped and cleaned. Cups are made from chemically resistant nylon 6, and stainless steel (304 alloy) cups are available. Holes are now tapped and countersunk prior to adding the cups to allow the machined top sheet to be thoroughly cleaned with open, rather than blind, holes prior to bonding. The top plate is processed through a custom TMC industrial cleaning center where a high pressure, high temperature cleaning solution is forced through each threaded hole, completely clearing any machining or tapping debris. Several rinse and dry cycles ensure an essentially "sterilized" top surface prior to bonding the cups.
CleanTop represents another innovation in TMC's long optical top tradition of industry "firsts" including:
- - First spill-proof optical top (CleanTop)
- - First all-steel optical top
- - First oil-free optical top
- - First honeycomb core registered to the tapped hole array
- - First lightweight breadboard with formed rather than drilled holes
- - First vacuum compatible optical top

CleanTop features:
- Liquid spills on the surface are contained and cannot reach the top's honeycomb core.
- The core is completely clean and dry with no residual thread-cutting oils to out-gas.
- Extremely clean tapped holes make screw insertion smooth and simple.
- Easy retrieval of small parts dropped into the holes is assured.
- Since no penetration of the core is possible when dangerous chemicals are used on the top's surface, health hazards will not occur by chemicals reaching the core unnoticed.