Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy (SFG-VS) is powerful and versatile method for in-situ investigation of surfaces and interfaces. In SFG-VS experiment a pulsed tunable infrared IR (ωIR) laser beam is mixed with a visible VIS (ωVIS) beam to produce an output at the sum frequency (ωSFG = ωIR + ωVIS). SFG is second order nonlinear process, which is allowed only in media without inversion symmetry.
At surfaces or interfaces inversion symmetry is necessarily broken, that makes SFG highly surface specific. As the IR wavelength is scanned, active vibrational modes of molecules at the interface give a resonant contribution to SF signal. The resonant enhancement provides spectral information on surface characteristic vibrational transitions.
- Intrinsically surface specific
- Selective to adsorbed species
- < 6 cm⁻¹ (optional < 2 cm⁻¹ ) spectral resolution
- Sensitive to submonolayer of molecules
- Applicable to all interfaces accessible to light
- Nondestructive
- Capable of high spectral and spatial resolution
- Investigation of surfaces and interfaces of solids, liquids, polymers, biological membranes and other systems
- Studies of surface structure, chemical composition and molecular orientation
- Remote sensing in hostile environment
- Investigation of surface reactions under real atmosphere, catalysis, surface dynamics
- Studies of epitaxial growth, electrochemistry, material and environmental problems

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