Spectroscopy Applications

Spectroscopy and its Application

Application note - Temperature Dependence on Phosphors

Application note - Temperature Dependence on Phosphors

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Phosphors used in discharge lamps and light emitting diodes, displays and scintillators are commonly characterised via photoluminescence spectroscopy. Their light emitting properties are connected to.....
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Video - Inside the Optical Bench of the Spectrometer

Video - Inside the Optical Bench of the Spectrometer

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Ever Wonder What Goes on Inside a Spectrometer?   It’s a good question, and the complete answer can escape even the most seasoned researcher. The photons used in spectroscopy encounter.....
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Detection of Pesticide Residues on Fruit Surfaces Using SERS

Detection of Pesticide Residues on Fruit Surfaces Using SERS

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The material available here was first presented as a poster at the 2017 North American Chemical Residue Workshop. The material describes how we utilized a swabbing technique to detect trace levels of.....
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VIDEO – Fast Spectrometer for High-Speed Environments

VIDEO – Fast Spectrometer for High-Speed Environments

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In this video, we simulate a process environment to demonstrate the rapid scan rate of the Ocean FX spectrometer. With onboard processing and Ethernet communications, Ocean FX is ideal for at-line.....
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Spectral Analysis of the Total Solar Eclipse

Spectral Analysis of the Total Solar Eclipse

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Monitoring Irradiance using an STS-UV-RAD Spectrometer A hundred years is a long time to wait for the chance to see a total solar eclipse. On August 21, 2017, with a rare eclipse tracing a path.....
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Raman: VIDEO – Setup Your SERS Measurement

Raman: VIDEO – Setup Your SERS Measurement

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How to Use Ocean Optics SERS Substrates In this video tutorial, we demonstrate simple protocols for best results using our gold, silver and nanosponge gold/silver SERS substrates. Raman.....
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How to Display Subranges across a Spectrum in OceanView Software

How to Display Subranges across a Spectrum in OceanView Software

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Using the OceanView Schematic Function to Customize Your Project   OceanView is the flagship software program for Ocean Optics spectrometers. Beyond simple data visualization, OceanView allows.....
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Monitoring Oxygen and pH during Red Grape Fermentation

Monitoring Oxygen and pH during Red Grape Fermentation

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Advances in high-performance sensor materials and optoelectronics have enabled novel optical sensors for use in applications in life sciences, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and beverage.....
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Detects Insecticide Associated with Loss of Honeybee Colonies

Detects Insecticide Associated with Loss of Honeybee Colonies

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Bees play a vital role in pollinating crops that help drive agricultural economies worldwide. With honeybee die-offs increasing in recent years, researchers are investigating the use of spectroscopy.....
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Tech Note: Noise in Spectrometers

Tech Note: Noise in Spectrometers

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Summer… sun… swimming pool. Grab your drink, sit back and relax. Thinking back to yesterday’s family gathering, you might wonder whether the filtration system has done its job.....
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Getting to the “Root” of Peach Quality

Getting to the “Root” of Peach Quality

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Reflectance Spectroscopy Classifies Rootstock of Peaches Horticulturists have been grafting one species of fruit tree onto another for hundreds of years, even as far back as Roman times. The.....
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VIDEO – Spectroscopy in the Great Outdoors

VIDEO – Spectroscopy in the Great Outdoors

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Florida’s Honeymoon Island State Park is a great place to tackle interesting applications of modular spectroscopy in a natural environment. Watch as we configure systems to measure different.....
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SPF – the Sun Protection Factor of Sunscreen

SPF – the Sun Protection Factor of Sunscreen

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Introduction While you might find stretching out on a beach towel in the sunshine wonderfully relaxing, for your skin this activity sends all dials to the red – literally. Sunburn is no longer.....
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Transmission Characteristics of Sunglasses and Tinted Windows

Transmission Characteristics of Sunglasses and Tinted Windows

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Evaluating Coatings that Filter UV and Vis-NIR Radiation Background Although the rise of modern sunglasses dates to the 1920s, there’s evidence that even early man experimented with glasses.....
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VIDEO - Applications in Focus - Food Integrity

VIDEO - Applications in Focus - Food Integrity

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How often do we consider where our food comes from and whether it’s authentic or even safe? In this video, we discover how the Flame-NIR spectrometer measures reflectance to identify the.....
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Designing a Modular Raman System

Designing a Modular Raman System

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While turnkey Raman systems can be convenient and powerful, they often are optimized for a specific application or sample type. Modular Raman systems are less restrictive, enabling the user to.....
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VIDEO - Flame-NIR Spectrometer

VIDEO - Flame-NIR Spectrometer

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Flame-NIR Puts the Power of NIR Analysis in a Small-footprint Instrument. With a cost about one-fourth that of a benchtop NIR system, Flame-NIR pairs an uncooled InGaAs array detector with a small.....
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VIDEO – Customer Spotlight: Grain Analysis

VIDEO – Customer Spotlight: Grain Analysis

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Learn how an innovative customer has combined NIR spectroscopy with machine vision for rapid, accurate inspection of grains, seeds and beans. Capable of testing over 50 samples per second, this.....
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VIDEO – Spirits Sampling for Brand Integrity

VIDEO – Spirits Sampling for Brand Integrity

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In this video, we visit the Macallan Distillery in Scotland. The Macallan produces some of the finest and best known single malt whiskies in the world: James Bond famously sipped a glass with the.....
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Analyzing Milk from the Cow to the Counter

Analyzing Milk from the Cow to the Counter

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  NIR spectra comprise broad peaks resulting from molecular vibrations caused by interaction of molecules with light in the region from ~900-2500 nm, with information extracted from these broad.....
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