Chromacity OPO
The Chromacity OPO is the flagship product.Chromacity is the first company to offer tuneable optical parametric oscillator products that cover both the near-IR and mid-IR wavelength regions.
- The near-IR OPO generates light across the 1.4 µm – 4 µm region (7100 cm-1 – 2500 cm-1). Wavelength selection is achieved by translation of a PPLN crystal with varying grating periodicity.
- The mid-IR OPO makes use of a new generation of non-linear crystals which allows the generation of light across the 5 µm – 12 µm region (2000 cm-1 – 1000 cm-1).
Both systems are optically pumped by the Chromacity 1040 HP, which is fully integrated into the optical head to maximise stability and reduce the overall footprint.
The Chromacity OPO delivers high power, broad band coherent light.
The near-IR OPO generates few-picoseconds pulse durations which doesn’t require long hours in set up time. Our laser source does not require water cooling and comes with a simple user interface, making it one of the easiest laser sources to operate.
For spectroscopy applications and CARS microscopy, there is often a need to tune to several specific wavelengths. The ability to generate light at these longer infrared wavelengths is key to detecting a wide range of solids, liquids, gases. Being able to generate instantaneous broadband light across the 3 – 4 µm wavelength region lends itself to being able to identify and quantify a large number of hydrocarbons using techniques such as FTIR spectroscopy. The same is also true across the 5 – 12 µm fingerprint region where more complex chemical signatures can be readily identified.
- Vibrational spectroscopy
- FTIR/stand-off techniques
- Multi-species gas analysis
- Telecoms / quantum research
- Materials characteristics
- Explosive detection
- Raman spectroscopy

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