The FLINT oscillator is based on Yb crystal pumped by a high brightness laser diode module. Generation of femtosecond pulses is provided by Kerr lens mode-locking. Once started, mode-locking remains stable over a long period of time and is immune to minor mechanical impact. Piezo-actuator can be implemented in customized oscillators in order to control the cavity length. FLINT oscillator can also be equipped with a Carrier Envelope Phase (CEP) stabilization system.
- Sub‑40 fs without any additional pulse compressor
- 260 nJ pulse energy
- 20 W output power
- 76 MHz is standard
- No amplified spontaneous emission
- Rugged, industrial-grade mechanical design
- Automated second harmonic generator
- Optional CEP stabilization
- Possibility to lock to external clock

Flint Oscillators datasheet - PDF 1.7 Meg