The general term “laser light” characterizes the electromagnetic spectrum between 150nm and 1mm. More precisely it covers the whole range from hard UV up to the infrared “light”. Due to state-of-the-art technologies the emitted optical power from one laser source can reach multiple kW (>1000W). Due to its physical properties laser light can be focused to power densities (=power per area) that are high enough to melt or evaporate tissue, metal or ceramics. In the medical field laser radiation is used to remove tattoos or to cut human tissue.
Therefore a high potential risk is the accidental illumination of the user. Especially the eyes are much more sensitive to light and therefore they are at increased risk. In fact, it is possible to cause irreversible ocular injury with just one glance of a direct or reflected laser beam even at lower power output levels. Therefore the legislator prescribes the use of laser safety eyewear and/or, if necessary, additional protection arrangements when working with certain laser power. Furthermore the European laser safety standards EN207/EN208 require an EC-type examination (CE) by an independent Notified Body who certifies the laser safety eyewear with LB-laser safety ratings.
Laser safety eyewear, which is based on coated or absorbing glasses and plastics, is one of the key products of laservision’s laser safety portfolio. For this reason laservision is able to offer a perfect solution for all laser applications.
In countries which follow the European standard for laser safety eyewear it is necessary that the safety function of a laser safety eyewear persists according to the protection rating (LB) under standardized test conditions of a 5sec. direct hit from a cw-laser and/or 50 pulses of a pulsed laser. Protection due to the Optical Density (OD) of the filter alone is not sufficient. It is necessary, that the stability of the Optical Density persists during the laser irradiation. This applies for the frame of the spectacle as well as for the laser safety filters (laser stability). Hence the weaker part of the spectacle determines the achievable laser safety level of the complete laser safety eyewear for the particular wavelength and operation category.
Furthermore the frame of a laser safety eyewear must prevent from lateral penetration (coverage area). Additionally further ordinary requirements of standards must be achieved, like the EN 166 and EN 168 (heat-resisting and UV-stability). In addition to the laser stability and regarding the CE-type examination (CE) also these requirements have to be certified form an independent certifier (Notified Body). The laser safety stability is certified with LB-protection levels within the EC-type examination. This marking must durably be legible printed on the laser safety eyewear.

Laser Protection Brochure - 16 Meg