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Granulometer - Particle Size Analyzer VASCO

  • Manufactured by: CORDOUAN Technologies

Quick Overview

Best innovative solutions for particle size analysis adapted for ultra-diluted sample (0,0001 wt%) or for extra-concentrated sample (up to 40 wt%).

We offers leading VASCO serial instrumentation for all types of particle size analysis and characterization from the nanometer up to few microns. Measurement of particle size ..


Best innovative solutions for particle size analysis adapted for ultra-diluted sample (0,0001 wt%) or for extra-concentrated sample (up to 40 wt%).

We offers leading VASCO serial instrumentation for all types of particle size analysis and characterization from the nanometer up to few microns. Measurement of particle size distribution is routinely carried out across a wide range of industries and academics research. Nanoparticle size distribution is often a critical parameter in the manufacture of many products from the advanced research up to the end product.



particule measurement


Innovative ultra-thin layer technology: Dual Thickness Controller

Due to the 90° prism and the elimination of measuring cuvettes cell an extremely flexible and effective measuring system is possible. A simple motion is sufficient to reduce the sample layer from 2 mm to 200 µm. This Dual thickness controller for reducing the measurement volume prevents problems due to multiple-scattering as well as local heating and guarantees reliable measurements of dark media or high particle concentrations. Air bubbles or dust in the sample can be removed by simple flushing before the measurement.


Stable temperature measurement

Controlling the temperature of the sample material is essential during measurements via dynamic light scattering. Due to the 90° prism, the ultra-thin layer technology creates thin, expanded analysis layers and an outstanding coupling of the sample material and the measuring cell. The desired sample temperature can therefore be reached in minimal time and kept steady at a configurable temperature between 15 °C and 90 °C by means of the Peltier elements.


particule sizing principleThe principle of DLS

The VASCO uses the thermal motions of particles in suspension (Brownian Motion) to determine their size. Here the sample suspension is irradiated by a laser and the light scattered in a certain direction detected with high time resolution. From the fluctuation of the intensity of the scattered light, the mobility of the particles can be calculated and then again via the Stokes-Einstein formula, their size can be calculated.


The patented technology


The design of the VASCO abstains completely from the usual cuvettes. The sample suspension is applied directly on a glass surface from where a laser with adjustable intensity irradiated vertically through it from below. From above, then a second glass surface is set on the suspension and clearly sets the measurement volume. The in a backward-direction scattered light is captured below a fixed angle with a powerful detector and the intensity fluctuation via a so called correlator processed (Autocorrelation). The obtained autocorrelation function describes how fast or slow the intensity changes. Small particles deliver a fast variation whereas for large particles this is accordingly slower.


cordouan particule measurementThe typical areas of application


The VASCO is perfectly suited for particle size determinations down into the lower nanometer range: with exact and reproducible results in research, development and quality control. Ideal for pigments like for example ink or chemicals, food (for example milk), pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and samples from the areas of environment and petrochemistry (for example motor oil).


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Manufacturer Informations

CORDOUAN Technologies

    After only four years of activities, Cordouan Technologies has constructed major expertise and become a reference in the world of N3 (Nanoparticles, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies).

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