Audio Analyzer - SR1 - FFT 200 kHz dual domain audio analyzer
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Audio Analyzer - SR1 - FFT 200 kHz dual domain audio analyzer

  • Manufactured by: SRS Stanford Research Systems

Quick Overview

SR1 Dual-Domain Audio Analyzer high performance audio analysis at a very affordable price. SR1 is a stand-alone instrument that delivers cutting edge performance in a wide variety of audio measurements. With a versatile high-performance generator, an array ..


SR1 Dual-Domain Audio Analyzer high performance audio analysis at a very affordable price. SR1 is a stand-alone instrument that delivers cutting edge performance in a wide variety of audio measurements. With a versatile high-performance generator, an array of analyzers that operate symmetrically in both the analog and digital domains, and digital audio carrier measurements at sampling rates up to 192 kHz, SR1 is the right choice for the most demanding analog and digital audio applications.

User Interface

SR1 uses an integrated computer running the Windows XP embedded operating system, so operation will be immediately familiar and intuitive. Depending on the application, SR1 can be operated with an external mouse and keyboard, or by using the front-panel knob, keypad and touchpad.

Seven on-screen tabbed pages are available for arranging panels, graphs, and displays. Screen setups, data, and instrument configurations can be quickly saved and recalled to either the internal hard disk or to a flash drive connected to one of the two front-panel USB connectors. An optional 1024 —768 XVGA monitor (opt. 02) provides better resolution and allows more information to be displayed.

While SR1’s configuration panels offer total flexibility in setting up every detail of the analyzer, at times it is useful to get a measurement going quickly, without worrying about infrequently used parameters. That’s where QuickMeas comes in. QuickMeas gives SR1 users the ability to get up and running on many common audio measurements such as Level, SNR, Frequency Response, and Crosstalk after answering just a few simple questions about the inputs and outputs of the DUT. When the measurements are finished, the results are available in a clear, easy-to-understand report.


  • Analog/digital domain measurements

  • −108dB THD+N (at 1kHz, 20kHz BW)

  • 200kHz frequency range

  • −114dBu analyzer noise (20 kHz BW)

  • ±0.008dB flatness (20 Hz to 20kHz)

  • −140dB input crosstalk

  • −125dB output crosstalk

  • <800ps jitter (700 Hz to 100kHz)

  • Dual-channel FFT measurements

Datasheet (PDF file- 0.8 Meg)

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