Birefringence Measurement Systems

  • Manufactured by: Hinds Instruments

Quick Overview

Hinds Instruments Birefringence Measurement technology has been adopted by industry leaders world wide to measure birefringence and characterize stress birefringence in materials with unsurpassed accuracy, resolution and repeatability. Capable of measuring optical retardation at 0.001nm resolution with noise floors as low as 0.005nm, these syste..


Hinds Instruments Birefringence Measurement technology has been adopted by industry leaders world wide to measure birefringence and characterize stress birefringence in materials with unsurpassed accuracy, resolution and repeatability. Capable of measuring optical retardation at 0.001nm resolution with noise floors as low as 0.005nm, these systems are robust, dynamic and scalable to fit the demanding requirements of your application. We provide measurement systems across the light spectrum (DUV, VIS and NIR) and are able to measure virtually all optical materials.



Glass, Stress Birefringence, Display Components, Injection Molded Plastics, Drawn Fibers, Fiber Optics, Lithography Reticules, Lens Blanks, Lenses, Silicon Wafers, Minerals, Laser Crystals, Liquid Crystals, Birefringent Crystals and others.


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Manufacturer Informations

Hinds Instruments

    Hinds Instruments develops and manufactures polarization measurement instrumentation for research and industry.

    Hinds Instruments build photoelastic modulator-based systems and components that exploit the high sensitivity of PEM polarization analysis technology for a wide variety of applications including birefringence, stokes polarimetry, dichroism, optical rotation and others in research, metrology and on-line environments.

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