The Hinds Birefringence Imaging Microscope is ideal for measuring birefringence in biological structures, glass, crystals, and many other organic and inorganic samples.
- No Dyes or Fluorescent labels required
- Measures retardation, angle and intensity
- Images retardation, angle and intensity
- Allows color maps to be customized by user for optimal display of data
- Allows maximum, average, and standard deviation over entire image and in user-selected areas or lines
- View data by intensity, birefringence/retardation, angle, or combination
- Histograms for statistical analysis
- User calibration
- Export of data in .csv and binary formats
- Export of data from user selected areas
- Export images in bit, png or tiff formats
- Compatability with third party analysis tool, ImageJ
Phase unwrapping technology is now included with every MicroImager.
For highly birefringent samples, the Exicor® MicroImagerTM has the ability to measure up to 3500nm with 4 color configuration and up to 2400nm with 3 color configuration.

Exicor Microimager spec. - PDF 1.3 Meg